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Are Corporate Video Compilations A Good Idea For Your Company?

Ever thought about what to do with all that extra video footage? Corporate video compilations might be a good idea.

Video compilations typically consist of leftover footage from an official shoot. They usually apply when a production company is on a shoot for multiple days and has excess footage to work with.

Their client, then has the choice of tossing the footage, or holding onto it for future shoots. Sometimes a production company is given the option to retain the footage for stock purposes.

But there is one alternative: video compilations.

For companies who like to take creative risks and have a bit of marketing fun with their audience, a video mashup of behind-the-scenes footage is a great idea.

A compile of video gives your audience an idea into what it took to create that particular video. Depending how successful the video is, this might be beneficial to your company. Consumers often want to know the ins and outs of the creative process for videos. Compilation videos give you, your brand, and your company character. You’re not just marketing to them. You’re showing them who you really are.

Compilations also take on a specific tone for video. Usually lighthearted, they’re easy and fun to watch; and sometimes even funny. Sometimes, they show employees doing things you wouldn’t normally think they’d do; such as surfing, swimming, making silly faces in meetings, etc. They’re meant to brighten up a viewer’s day with a positive tone.

If you’re a company who puts out serious videos such as PSAs, compilation videos may not be a good option for you. But for companies looking to expand on their creative, showcase their personality, and make their audiences smile, creating a mashup video of bloopers and missed takes are a great way to further engage with viewers.

Here at Key West Video, we service all types of creative corporate video. For more information about the services we provide, visit our website today!

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