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Why Your Corporate Video Needs To Be Mobile-Friendly

Would you believe us if we told you that companies still struggle to make their content mobile-friendly?

Just when you thought making your online content mobile-friendly was the bare minimum, a company proved you wrong.

You went to their website. Clicked on all the things and read all the reads. Watched the videos and scrolled through the pics. Then, when life called, you left your desk and went to grab lunch.

While you chomped on your tuna sandwich in between small-talk, you remembered that the cute girl in HR might take an interest in the video that you watched earlier. But you work on the 16th floor and she works on the 7th, and there’s no way you two are spending your lunch hour going up and down an elevator.

So you whip out your phone.

You type in the website, scroll through the page, and find the video.

“Wait’ll you see this,” you tell her. “It’s a doozy.”

You hit play with an eager smile.

But your smile fades as the video struggles to load.

“Just one sec,” you say as you refresh the page. “The Wi-Fi is terrible in here”

She, now less enthusiastic, nods back.

You click on the video again. This time, it doesn’t load at all. In fact, it says the video is unavailable.

What do you do?

There’s nothing worse than not being able to view a video on mobile. It’s even more of a tease when your video isn’t mobile-friendly, and the dimensions or video quality is ruined.

Why Your Corporate Video Needs To Be Mobile-Friendly
Photo credit:

Most corporate companies would benefit from making their corporate videos available for both desktop and mobile. By making  your content mobile-friendly, this ensures a wider reach for your target audience. Depending on the hosting site, this can be done in the settings of your company’s website.

If using YouTube (or Vimeo), it’s vital that you make your corporate video available for mobile. This can also be done in the settings when uploading a video.

Here at Key West Video, we aim to inform our clients about the best ways to effectively execute a successful video marketing strategy. For more information about the services we provide, visit our website today!

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