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Give Back Films: Spreading the Love Through Random Acts of Kindness

I recently stumbled upon a video that made me smile from ear to ear. It is the type of video that we don’t see that often. The video was created by Kyle Oreffice and Josh Jibson who together have produced a series of heartfelt videos which you can find on their YouTube channel Give Back Films. The concept of each one of their videos is to do something nice for another person in the hopes that the individual passes on that good will.

Starting this film project just over a month ago, their first video posted on YouTube has already racked up over two million views. Entitled, “Giving $100 to Homeless People”, the video is more touching then the title itself. The reactions are genuine and showcase how small acts can have such a large impact in people’s lives. Kyle also takes the time to speak to each homeless person, ask their stories, and he treats them like a real person who deserves respect.

Their channel currently has six films with their focus thus far being on homeless individuals and random acts of kindness; such as paying for the car behind them in fast food drive-thrus. Eventually, each individual in the drive-thru continues to spread the love by paying for the person behind them, until there is no one left in the line.

While the audio quality is not the best within their films, it can be forgiven due to the fact that nothing they do is staged or scripted. It is real people, real scenarios and authentic stories. With the plan to post a new video every Monday, the channel is gaining a following by individuals such as myself who enjoy seeing the reaction of those touched by their simple acts of kindness.

Keywest Video - Corporate Video Blog - Give Back Films

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