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Acting Workshops & Classes Toronto

Key West Video is proud to offer a variety of acting workshops and classes in Toronto for new and seasoned actors. We provide various levels of courses for audition techniques and scene study. Sign up for one of our classes below and let us help you hone your craft.

This four-week workshop is designed to help actors whose training and experience is mostly stage-related make the transition to acting effectively in front of the camera.

Building on The Fundamentals of Audition Technique, this four-week workshop will explore the specialized tools necessary to continue being invited into the room to compete for larger roles in film and television.

This four-week class will help participants identify the most common mistakes most frequently made by less experienced actors and provide actors with ways of feeling more comfortable about their ability to avoid basic mistakes on set.

This four-week workshop is designed to help actors whose training and experience is mostly stage-related make the transition to acting effectively in front of the camera.

This class will be restricted to participants with a basic level of training from an acknowledged college, university or conservatory (York, Ryerson,Humber, NTS), who have worked with Marvin Karon or other recognized instructors and/or who have already gained a certain level of experience in front of the camera. The master class will feature occasional visits by industry experts who will share their expertise, skills and knowledge with the participants.

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