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Ever Wonder, How Do They Do That? Let’s Take a Look Behind The Scenes Footage From an Old Spice Commercial to Find Out!

old spice

Old Spice rocked back into the modern age, with their now infamous “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” commercials in 2010. The ad agency Wieden+Kennedy were the masterminds behind this devilishly clever advertisement. The ads targeted female purchasers, who were shown to be the decision makers when it came to buying hygiene products for their male counterparts.

The initial commercial was an instant success. As the title implies, the copy poked at the fact that anything is possible… just as long as your man smells like Old Spice. The concept was simple, clever, and reached into every woman’s fantasy. If you have been living under a rock and have yet to see it, check it out below.

Senior social media and marketing manager for Cisco Systems, Tim Washer once stated,

“Humor, when executed properly, helps cut through the noise and helps you stand out. If you can make someone laugh, there is an emotional connection with them. And anything you say beyond that is going to be more meaningful.”

There are many elements that made this Old Spice commercial, and all the others made in a similar vein to come, as popular as they are. Arguably, in addition to the handsome actor who stars in all of the ad spots, the great direction provided by Tom Kuntz, and of course the concept itself which can make even the most cold-hearted Grinch laugh, it is most importantly the way it was flawlessly executed, which make the advertisement such a masterpiece.

After the success of the original Old Spice spot, and the subsequent ones to follow, the team who created these ads allowed us to go behind the scenes in one of their shoots. In another stroke of genius, they allowed viewers to really understand just how they were able to pull off their hilarious, and very technical commercial. In the video below you will be given a behind the scenes glimpse into the set, the crew, and the way that it was all pulled together.

This was a great technique to allow viewers behind the scenes, to see how it was all created. It gives audiences a sense of importance and privilege in order to be allowed to view their secret formula for success. In addition, Old Spice went even further asking viewers to provide questions for the star of these commercials, in which he then responded with a series of youtube videos furthering the brands reach. Stan Schroeder from Mashable wrote,

“His answers were a key mix of coolness and the stuff Internet memes are made of. The actual brand — Old Spice — was never shoved down viewers’ throats. Most importantly, all of it was incredibly fun to watch.”

And that is the key to the success of these videos, and the brands overall marketing strategy.

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