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Top 10: Once You Understand the Basics, Here is How You Can Step Your Game Up

Top-10-healthy-eating-1248x999The basics will always be the cornerstone to a quality video. You need a production partner that knows what angle to shoot from, how to use lighting to emphasize the space, and understands that good sound is immensely important. But a really high quality production goes beyond just the basics. So here is our list of the top 10 ways to improve the look and feel of your next video.

1. Hire Professional Voice Talent

Obtaining a professional #voice-over can bring your production from amateur to pro almost instantly. Too many quality #videos have gone awry due to individuals’ desire to record their own voice-over.

2. Step Away From the Easy Listening Stock Music

Although it may be calling your name, and oh so simple and cheap, going this route puts you in the pool with everyone else. Step outside of your comfort zone and use cool, edgy, and different #music that your viewers might not expect. The results will be surprising.

3. Two-Camera Interviews

Whether it is an #interview, a #testimonial, or an #address to #camera, having two cameras to cut between will bring your #production value up instantly. In addition to the cool factor it provides, it will also make cutting the footage easier and require less b-roll in order to cover transitions.

4. Prep Your Talent

I can’t tell you how many times I have showed up on #set and staff is ill prepared to handle a #video #shoot that day. Let your employees/co-workers who are going to be in the video know what to expect ahead of time. Also remind them of simple things like getting their nails done. If they are forced to be the one picking up the phone in the b-roll shot they will thank you later.

5. Be Concise

When it comes to content it is always best to be concise. Take the first edit of your video and cut out anything that isn’t absolutely integral to the video, and then cut some more. In most cases you are producing a video where you need a lure an audience in, so remember that just because you think something is important doesn’t mean people with no stake in your company will.

6. Add Some Pzazz

Motion #graphics #animation can be a very small part of your video, yet it can make a big impact. From the intro logo animation, to lower thirds, and maybe even simple text or image graphics, these elements can add a boost to an otherwise bland video.

7. Snap, Crackle, Pop

You won’t realize how impactful sound #effects are until you implement them in your video. A simple foot on pavement, the clank of the phone hitting it’s dock, or even the creek of a door, depending on the vibe you are going for there are a large variety of different sounds that will add a more complete feel to your video.

8. Stock Footage is Your Friend

If you can film it, do it. But in the case that the time and effort it would take to capture that shot isn’t worth it, then don’t hesitate to fall back onto stock #footage. Nine times out of ten no one watching the video will even be able to tell, it can be a cost effective resource, and you can use some great looking shots that you might not be able to capture otherwise.

9. Show Some Style

Once you are familiar with the basics, you can take your projects beyond simply “does it look and sound good”. Choosing a particular style whether it be to add a certain color tone to the video, or sticking to a certain graphic element theme, having a style will make your video stand out from the pack and help define your brand.

10. It’s All in the Detail

As the rest of this list will attest to, a high quality professional looking video is all about the minute details. Everything from carrying anti-shine powder with you on-set, to making sure your audio levels are on-point, and making sure you invest time in color correction. There really are so many things you can do to step up your production level. So if you have the time and the funds do so!

I hope this list of our top ten tips for improving the quality of your video was helpful. Take some or all of these ideas to your next production and see how they work for you. We too are always trying to learn and grow, so if you have any ideas to share with us please connect with us in the comments section below or on any of our social media channels:

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