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Video marketing has become a key component of most marketing strategies. And if you’re going to use video, it should be engaging and entertaining. This can be a challenge for some campaigns. So, how does a business inject some fun into video marketing? We have some ideas.

Bring the Funny

Regardless of the type of video you’re making, humour is a great way to add the fun factor. Promotional videos, company profiles, demos, and even testimonials can be done with a sense of humour. It’s possible to deliver a message about your brand, product, or service was also delivering a laugh.

An funny video can be a memorable video. Many advertising agencies and companies have tried to find the intersection of engaging and entertaining. Some succeed. Google Analytics created an entertaining video marketing campaign titled “Google Analytics in Real Life”. The videos highlight the importance of search engine optimization and look at analyzing website-consumer interactions. Take a look at this accurate (and funny) video about Landing Page Optimization.

For Valentine’s Day, auto company Ford created “Speed Dating Prank” as part of their online video marketing strategy. This series follows men who are on a blind date. What they don’t know is that their date is a professional stunt driver. Not only are we entertained as viewers, but we’re also learning about the features of the 2015 Ford Mustang in the process.

Keep it Simple

A funny video marketing campaign is all about a good idea. You don’t need a huge budget but here are three things successful campaigns have in common:

  • Funny. Make sure the joke has wide appeal and isn’t going to offend your target market.
  • Simplicity. If you have to explain the joke, it’s not funny.
  • Relatability. Consider your target market and the kind of things that will appeal to that demographic.

Your goal is to have a video that people will talk about and share.

We Can Help

Interested in improving your next video marketing campaign? At Key West Video, we can help you come up with a video marketing campaign that will make your audience laugh and remember your product or service. Our talented team can guide you through the process of making a video from concepts to final video. Call us today for a free quote.

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