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What You'll Need To Make An Influential Corporate Video

Making an influential video that will leave a lasting impression on your target audience can be tough.

And making an influential video that will get your audience’s attention in the first place is half the battle.

Sometimes companies will outsource their corporate video production to experts (like us) who understand what it takes to create a successful, long-lasting corporate video.

Over the years, we’ve come to realize that there are a certain number of integral ingredients needed to create memorable content.

Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the top things you’ll need to create an influential corporate video worth remembering:

Strong, Clear Message

What You'll Need To Make An Influential Corporate Video

It goes without saying that your message should be clear, strategic, and to the point. The last thing your company needs is an unclear video with a message your audience can’t understand. Ideally, a strong video will answer the five W’s (who, what, when, where, and why) along with how. By the end of your video, a potential customer (or anyone who interacts with your brand, for that matter) should have a well-rounded understanding of who you are, what you do, why they should care, and how they can invest into you.

Marketing Strategy

What You'll Need To Make An Influential Corporate Video

Before you even think about what to put into your corporate video, you need to create a solid marketing strategy. This includes creating a template on how you plan to maximize your reach. Who is your target audience? What are their virtual (or non-virtual) hangouts? Should you consider an app developer? What are their (online) habits? This will not only determine the type of content you create but also how you create it. By understanding your audience, you’ll be able to generate content catered specifically to them and potentially see a greater return on your investment.

High Production Value

What You'll Need To Make An Influential Corporate Video
Photo credit: fraser_west via / CC BY-NC-SA

Everything you do – from the products you offer to the services you provide – should be a reflection of your professionalism. An influential corporate video is no exception. With that being said, your video should have high production value. Gone are the days when 420p videos or SD would suffice. And now with the introduction of 4K resolution, it’s almost imperative to have at least 720p or 1080p videos as the bare minimum. Both the audio and lighting should be crisp and clear, and should reflect the tone of the video piece.

At Key West Video, we provide the best in corporate video production. For more information on the services we provide, visit our website and contact us for a quote today!

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