

Key West Video Announced as a 2022 National and Local Excellence Award Winner by UpCity!

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Viral Video: Poo-Pourri ‘Girls Don’t Poop’ Ad

Poo-Pourri‘s creative and witty ad touches upon a subject that many of us are afraid to even discuss with our friends, let alone share all over the internet. However, their creative team came up with a commercial so adventurous and daring that it has taken the world-wide web by storm.

Who would think that advertising a spray to mask the odor of your poop would be this revolutionary? After all, this subject matter isn’t exactly the easiest of things to talk about, let alone visualize. But Poo-Pourri‘s out-of-the-box approach  has left us wanting to get out there and gets a 100-use bottle of some “Trap-a-Crap” for ourselves!

This video stars a beautiful posh British woman wearing a cocktail and a string of pearls sitting on a toilet for the duration of the entire video. Her sharp British accent (which always sounds fancy to us North Americans) and attire juxtaposed against her potty mouth create an array of humorous puns that leave you giggling, to say the least.

Check the video out below:

What this ad did right:

  • They created a compelling character. Viewers were inclined to watch more of the potty-mouthed woman because she was able to hold their attention. You probably didn’t even notice that she spewed out a tonne of information for an entire two minutes merely because it was so enjoyable to watch.
  • The message was clear and relatable. Poo-Pourri  promotes a product we can all use because we all, well, poop. The hilarious commercial touches upon those embarrassing situations where you’ve got to go… but you’re at your boyfriend’s place, the work place, or even at a party — we can all relate.
  • They connect with their target audience. As indicated by their character, Poo-Pourri is targeted to women. They provide their audience with relatable scenarios and make light of those awkward/embarrassing bathroom situations that females are all too familiar with. However, if you check out their website, you’ll see that Poo-Pourri also offers some fantastic scents for men as well 🙂
  • The daring use of “inappropriate” humour. The elegant character delivers lines embedded with phrases like “I just birthed a creamy behemoth from my cavernous bowels” as well as “‘Your days of embarrassing smells or prairie-dogging it are over.” It’s this humorous element that holds the viewer’s attention, even if you are showing them a 2-minute long clip. That in itself is quite a feat.
  • Backed up their claim. We are well aware that anybody and everybody can make a funny video about their latest invention, but can they really vouch for it? Poo-Pourri reveals that 4 million bottles have already been sold (and if you check out their website, they’re temporarily sold out of almost all products). In the event that you’re able to get your hands on this handy product, yet find that it’s no match for your “emissions,” they’ll let you return it for a full refund.
  • Call to action. After watching this video (a few times, in our case), you probably thought about purchasing some Poo-Pourri… and that’s exactly what they wanted you to do.

This video proves that you don’t need to be a dominate corporate brand to get your product out there. It just goes to show that with the right marketing and creative teams, small, unheard of brands can skyrocket into the domain of their well-known big-budget competition.

Here at Key West, we’ll work with you and your team to come up with the most innovative and captivating videos for your company. Contact us today to get started!


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