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Do you have a favourite podcast? A 2017 study conducted by Ulster Media and the Globe and Mail found that between seven and ten million Canadians are listeners. With more than 550,000 active shows to choose from, there aren’t many stones left unturned. From popular genres like true-crime to niche shows about pens, there’s something for everyone.

Learning and Laughing

Most listeners use a smartphone

Depending on who you talk to, a podcast is the best way to expedite a commute, a good distraction while you clean or an excellent learning tool. Really, they do all that and so much more! There are series that have run for years and shows that are finished after four episodes. A podcast can be anything from a monologue to a piece of investigative journalism. Some refer to the format as on-demand internet radio, which is pretty accurate. Whatever you’re listening to, it’s most likely reaching you through your smartphone.

Historically Speaking

Although the idea of audio blogging actually started in the 1980s, true podcasting wasn’t around until the early 2000s. That’s when programmer and former MTV VJ Adam Curry and software developer Dave Winer collaborated to open our collective ears. Curry wrote the iPodder program that enabled the automatic download of internet radio broadcasts to his iPod. Daily Source Code, which is still going strong, began in August 2004. Only a month later, there were reports that podcasting was catching on across the globe. iTunes started supporting the format in 2005, and Apple hit one billion subscribers in 2014.

One of the things listeners like about podcasts is the free nature of the shows. That is to say, no topic is off limits and there’s a lot of swearing. Why? Well, the format isn’t beholden to the government regulations that keep radio stations in check. Because the internet isn’t broadcasting.

By the Numbers

Here are a few stats on the podcasting community:

  • The biggest group of listeners is in the 25-34 age range
  • Male and female listenership is almost evenly split at 52% and 48% respectively
  • From 2017 to 2018, podcast listening growth jumped 14% among women
  • Listeners subscribe to an average of six shows

Monetizing the Format

We would argue that most podcasts are born out of passion. A person or group has an interest in a topic that is so strong, they just have to talk about it. Or a host’s  drive to talk about anything at all is overwhelming. But we would also argue that the monetization of the genre has enabled many shows to keep going. It can be a lot of work to regularly produce episodes, and a full-time job should really pay the bills.

What a successful podcast has is listeners. And listeners mean an audience for advertisers. From 2015 to 2018, podcast revenue grew from $69 million to $402 million. The 2020 prediction is for ad dollars worth $659 million. Because podcasts have both targeted and engaged audiences, advertisers can hone in on the exact segment of the population most likely to buy their products. Sponsorships and ads are sometimes woven into podcasts, but the hosts often just read the copy in a way that is far from professional but somehow still works.

Popular podcasts have taken their earning potential further with branding. Listeners can purchase merchandise from a related website or buy tickets to a live show. While most podcasts are free, some charge for content with a subscription fee.

Video-Related Podcasts

Videophiles like us are keen to hear what’s being said about our industry in the podcasting world. Here are some of our picks.

  • That Post Show. Industry experts talk about video, film, and post-production.
  • The RC Podcast. This is one that our shooters like with discussions about high-end camera technology.
  • SpotCast. Wanna learn about commercial production from the POV of a production manager and director? Get ready to go behind-the-scenes and delve into what it takes to make a commercial.
  • Filmmakers Drinking Bourbon. The hosts talk about filmmaking and video production, all while discovering new bourbons. Talk about doing what you love!
  • Go Creative Show. Hear from pros in film, tv, and music. Creatives of all walks talk about their craft.

Canadians Love Podcasting

If you’re a podcast listener, you’re in good company. Canadians who listen tend to be wealthier and better-educated than the average citizen. These audio gems can teach us a lot about, well, everything! But they’re also just a great form of entertainment. If you’re looking for some recommendations beyond the list above, have a look here and here. You’re sure to find something that piques your interest. Before long, you’ll be part of the podcast community, too.

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