Ever thought about an anonymous corporate video?
An anonymous video grants you the ability to be, well, anonymous. And while anonymity is a cool idea when you’re a recognizable brand, it might be a bit more difficult for lesser-known companies.
Anonymous corporate videos – in which the video would not feature a company logo or brand – can be tricky. Not disclosing your company’s name comes with own obvious pros and cons.
A huge pro for anonymous video is, well, recognition. They often say that less is more and in this case, it’s true. Well-known brands often don’t need to spend a lot of time parading jingles or logos. They’ve usually been around long enough for their audiences to recognize their content by its tone and aesthetic. Brands like Wal-Mart and McDonald’s are known for their family-oriented commercials, good food, or affordable household items. Brands of this magnitude would do just fine with a subtle logo at the end of their commercials, or even none at all.
Another pro is extreme subtlety. Anonymity means you know your brand inside and out and trust that the public does, too. It’s an edgier, sexier, and much more ambiguous way to market yourselves. It’s also a cool way to focus on the message entirely as opposed to who is behind it.
However, for smaller, edgier, and less popular brands that are building their audiences, anon videos might not be the best idea. As they are still building and growing their market interest, it can be a hassle for customers to play guessing games with your content. Most new brands need all the recognition they can get, and can’t afford to release anonymous content.
Here at Key West Video, we work all brands – both large and small – to help them develop the best corporate video strategies. For more information about the services we provide, visit our website today!
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