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The Use of Augmented Reality with Video Production is Becoming A THING

Girl from Ipanema

Augmented Reality or #AR isn’t a new phenomenon. Back in 2011 we wrote a blog post centered around the popularity of #QRcodes. At the end of the post we had a short section describing the cutting edge adaptation known as AR codes. Check it the post here.

What Really is Augmented Reality?

Brisk Interactive defines augmented reality as a way to enhance the world around you. They state it works by placing a #3D object into real world-space OR real items into screen-space.

Augmented reality is something that we’re seeing more and more of when it comes to the #marketing and #advertising space. #Creative agencies are looking for ways to engage with target audiences in a more participating way. Augmented reality has a variety of uses and exemplifies the move toward customer-centric #media which gives the user the ability to choose what they want to interact with.

#Smartphones have now become a staple, and with the quick and easy download of an #app, static material can be turned into a way to connect audiences with so much more. For example, the #image above shows how with the use of Areal’s app individuals can make a regular advertisement of a shark transform into an #animated experience which is sure to excite viewers.

Augmented Reality Uses

Companies such as Brisk Interactive are utilizing augmented reality and #virtual reality with a product focus. Providing their clients with the ability to help customers visualize a product in a 3D space. This is just one of the ways AR is aiding different industries.

Another form AR is developing in is with Augmented Reality locating. Colab held an event this past November titled ‘Mobile Augmented Reality Video Workshop’. One of the highlights was looking into how AR locating can be used moving forward.

Using AR browsers such as Wikitude and Aurasma and geotagging via smartphones in-built GPS, mobile movies can be located within a geographical context, linked to collaborative Google Maps and viewed in Google Earth. This adds a rich layer of contextual information to mobile movies, effectively augmenting a mobile movie with geographical data. Additionally, Bluetooth and iBeacons provide interactive contexts indoors.

Think about how this could aid companies. Highlight your product or service through a #video bio found on Google maps through each person’s smart phone. Now that’s great #advertisement.

Key West & Augmented Reality

Key West Video is currently in the process of working with a client on a series of video modules with an augmented reality element. Our client hopes that this move will take their often static and tired content, and attract a new, young, excited audience. We are working in conjunction with an AR focused company to determine how to incorporate our #VideoProduction work into the larger scope of the AR project.

Our initial concept is to highlight 4 individuals through 30 second spots. At events and through #online promotion and #SocialMedia, these four individuals and their stories will be showcased through video. Our goal is to add an augmented reality element so the videos help bring the larger story to life. Not only do we anticipate utilizing an AR element on event posters to prompt the opening of each video, but we hope to create a way for viewers to interact with assets that help tell each individuals story. For example, if you are watching a video about a mechanical engineer, ideally viewers would then be able to see what a blueprint looks like and the types of tools and technologies that are used in that field of work.

We think this ability to go beyond just the video itself, will create a level of #interactivity that will leave viewers wanting more and never forgetting the experience. That is the true ability of augmented reality.

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