Authenticity has become a video marketing buzzword in the last few years. Why is that? Well, being authentic helps form connections with viewers. When something doesn’t feel real, people are wary of it. But if they can relate to you, that can translate to trust in your product or service. Open communication with your target market makes them feel like they matter to you. Fostering a natural, genuine dialogue between your brand and your customer isn’t just a gimmick, it’s good business.

Communicating with Your Target Market

A key part of being authentic is being able to communicate with your TM. That necessitates understanding your TM. What do they want to know about your product or service? What are their pain points that you can address? Answer their questions and show them how your product or service will address their issues.

Who is your target market and where can you reach them?

Another important thing to know about your TM is where they’re spending time. Post your authentic content on the platforms they visit or email it to your monthly newsletter. The point is to have your message heard. The content of your video will also dictate where you post it. Don’t be afraid to be part of the conversation. If there’s a conversation going on about your company, get in there and be part of it.

Value Proposition

Authenticity builds trust. A value proposition is the difference between a hard sell and information sharing. Let the viewer know why they should use your business. What’s in it for them? And what are you offering that makes you a better choice than your competitors? It’s important to clearly state all the benefits of your product and your business. Address the customer’s main problem and how your product or service solves this.


Thought Leadership

Gain consumer trust by showing leadership in your industry

Giving advice, providing information, and even making people laugh is all part of thought leadership and can be part of authenticity. When you or your business act as a thought leader, you build trust within the industry. Conveying useful information will create a connection between your business and the field in which you operate. People will learn to think of your brand as a trusted voice of knowledge when you provide reliable and trustworthy information.

How to Use Authenticity in Video

Video is an excellent tool when it comes to authenticity in marketing. To be authentic means to be relatable. With video, you can speak directly to customers on that level. Show your workspace, employees, or a typical day at the office. Go behind the scenes. Viewers will appreciate the chance to better understand your business. Here are some of the types of videos that can help you connect with customers.

Testimonials are custom-made for authenticity. Video is all about storytelling, so find that customer story and tell it. This is an engaging, authentic way to speak to viewers. Ideally, your TM will recognize their own situation in a testimonial and see the value of using your business.  Need more convincing? In a survey conducted by Dimensional Research, a staggering 90% of consumers said their buying decisions were influenced by reviews.


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Case studies are another way to show authenticity. At Key West Video, we post case studies here on our blog. A case study helps explain our process and the benefits of video, using a specific client and their project as an example. This gives a customer or potential customer a deeper understanding of our how we work. Pulling back the curtain, so to speak, is a way to be authentic. Giving the why is compelling and it’s good storytelling. The story behind the story, if you will.

Social proof is yet another option for demonstrating authenticity. Humans value the opinions of people who have tested the waters (or products) and reported their findings. These opinions can come from anyone, including experts and celebrities or crowds and friends. A video featuring a product endorsement, showcasing online reviews, or citing supportive studies could all be used as social proof.

User-generated content (UGC) is content your audience can relate to. It rings true because it comes straight from the horse’s mouth. UGC creates a community centred on your brand. Percolate ran a report that showed that 86% of millennials believe UGC is a good indicator of whether a brand is good and trustworthy. If that’s not an indication of authenticity, then what is?

Relationship Building

Authenticity builds relationships. It connects you to customers and builds a good reputation for your business. At Key West Video, we understand how to create videos that connects you to your target market. We can help you find your authentic voice and let it shine on camera. Call us or go online today for a free quote.

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