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corporate history video

A corporate history video may seem like a self-indulgent project, but there are plenty of valid reasons to delve into the past and explore company roots.

We are not makers of history. We are made by history.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Celebrate Company Origins

corporate history video
Celebrate a company milestone with a look back

One of the more obvious uses for a historical corporate video is to celebrate an anniversary. Has your company been around for fifty years? Or maybe one hundred? Using a video as the literal focal point for a celebration is a great way to bring employees together and take a moment to reflect on the corporate pathway.

A look back is a chance to enforce branding. Explore the origins of your company name or what compelled the founder to start the business. A video can dive into the character of your business and reinforce why you do what you do.

Internal Use

Inspire and motivate your employees with a trip down memory lane. Make them feel like they’re part of the story and they’ll be more likely to take ownership. Newer employees or those working for a long-standing business may not even realize the history and will appreciate learning. This kind of video can be a bonding and unifying experience for your group.

corporate history video
Share company history to inspire and motivate employees

Use the video to explore the culture and values of an organization. Are the founder’s original values still reflected in the company today? History shapes culture and this will likely be evident in a look through the past.

Change is a good time to take stock and make a video. A buyout or expansion can make people nervous, but a video can be used to quell fears. The business has probably evolved over the years, but it’s survived.  Show your employees how you’ve adapted and come out the other side.

External Use

A historical corporate video gives your business gravitas, showing relatability and instilling customer confidence. There’s a reason many businesses display an established date on their facade or marketing materials. Having a past shows you have staying power and can grow with the changing market.

corporate history video
Many businesses celebrate their history with an established date

Make a personal connection with your audience by telling your story.  Use your company voice to showcase your values. You’re not selling anything, but you are reinforcing your brand. This is your chance to make the customer feel good about using your services.

Post It

Wherever you initially use your video timeline, make sure to give it a home on your website. An About Us page is a great landing spot for a video that explores company history. Keep in mind that you want to make the company look good, but you don’t need to be boastful. People will appreciate a story that feels real. If you’re ready to explore the past, give Key West Video a call and let’s talk about preserving your history with a corporate video.

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