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Breakdown of Corporate Video Costs:

Why is producing a corporate video costly? And how much will a corporate video cost?

corporate video cost

There are three main stages when it comes to corporate video production: the pre-production, production, and post-production stage.

One of the major elements that will dictate your corporate video cost is the length of the video. 

Costs will vary between different video production companies, but here is the breakdown of the actual elements that factor in as added costs in your budget:

Pre-production Stage:

Producer: In order to produce a corporate video, you will need a video producer. The cost of this can vary, depending on how experienced the producer is.

Creative Concept: You know you want a video, but what TYPE of video? Who is your target audience? Where will your video be marketed? This can be an added cost… if you don’t already have a creative concept in mind.

Script: Even if it’s a 2-minute video, writing a detailed creative script takes a lot of time from either a scriptwriter and or copywriter.

Production Stage:

Location: Where will your video be shot?

Studio rental: if you are shooting in studio, costs will vary depending on the size of the studio and the features it offers.

If the location of the shoot is far, and more than one shoot day, be prepared to budget costs for transportation, accommodation, and food for the crew.

Deciding to shoot in your own office can end up saving  you studio rental fees, but it all depends on what you want your corporate video to feature.


Videographer: Videographers are like producers; the more experienced they are in cinematography, the more money they will end up costing you. If you will need more than one camera that means you will need more than one videographer. And depending on how extravagant your shoot is, you may need a bigger crew which will  drive up your production costs.

Here is a basic list of some of the crew you may need:

  • Actors (starting rate for some actors are somewhere between $500 per day)/ on-air talent (remember: not everyone is good on camera)
  • Makeup artist
  • Production assistants/Assistant Producer
  • Grip
  • Audio specialist
  • Gaffer (lighting specialist)

Here is a list of some of the equipment that may be required depending on the production of the video:

  • Camera, camera lenses (higher quality= better quality of video= increase in costs)
  • Lighting kit
  • Green screen
  • Teleprompter
  • Audio equipment (lavs, boom mic etc)
  • Props and designs

Shooting Time: How long will the shoot take? Will it take just one day, or three, or more? This will be a major factor in cost; because then everything listed above will be multiplied by how many days of shooting you will need.

Post-production Stage:

Most video production companies will base the editing quote on the amount of time and complexity it will take the editor to edit the video. The following elements will be a factor in the amount of time it will take to edit:

  • Logging of footage (the more footage, the longer it will take)
  • Graphics (more complex = more time)
  • Animation (more complex = more time)
  • Voice over
  • Music
  • Stock footage
  • Transcriptions
  • Translation
  • Final edits/reviews

The distribution and delivery of your corporate video will also be another added factor.

  • Digital (compressed for YouTube, websites, etc.)
  • DVD
  • Blu-ray
  • Raw footage

Want a more specific quote for a corporate video? Contact Key West Today!

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