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5 Reasons Why You Need A Corporate Video Newsletter

A corporate video newsletter might be much more beneficial than you think.

Gone are the days when company memos and HR initiatives could simply be announced with text. Chances are if your newsletter still relies on long paragraphs and simple images, you might be in need of an upgrade.

Are your newsletters really hitting the spot? We’d argue that using traditional forms of communication (and yes, a newsletter now counts as traditional) might not be enough for reaching younger employees. As a way to remedy that, companies are now switching to more updated methods of communication such as live web streams and video brochures and newsletters.

Here are 5 reasons why your company should exchange the written for video:

5 Reasons Why You Need A Corporate Video Newsletter

Written communication no longer works

Workers are less likely to read through information unless it is flagged as highly important or involves a direct call to action. Content is often long-form and long-winded, riddled with unnecessary information. A corporate video makes this information short, succinct, and visually interesting.

Visual learning

Which leads us to our next point; some people are just better at learning visually than through text. You’re able to better retain information by seeing it on a screen and remembering the sound, visuals/shots, vocal inflections, and/or animations than simply words.

Attention span

It’s also been noted that most millennials have a short attention span. A visual newsletter allows them to absorb and retain a large amount of information in a relatively short period of time.

Less room for misinterpretation

Video newsletters means less room for information to be missed or misinterpreted. The subject can answer any and all questions about things like company call-outs, events, and/or important updates. It eliminates the chance for mixed messages, demotivated employees, and nasty rumours.

More information

Lastly, it’s a highly efficient way to convey information quickly. Though the process to actually produce video newsletters might be longer than a typed newsletter, the long-term benefits are far greater.

Here at Key West Video, we work with a number of clients to ensure their needs are met. For more information about the services we provide, visit our website today.

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