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A Beginner's Guide To Creating Perfect Video Tutorials

There are a plethora of good – and bad – video tutorials out there. How do you make yours stand out?

Ever thought about what it takes to make a great video tutorial? Here at Key West Video, a large part of our corporate video production consists of creating corporate video tutorials for our clients that their customers will remember.

There is a stigma that video tutorials are boring, dull, and lack excitement. One of our jobs as content creators is to bring any mundane thing to life. Whether it is auto parts, factory equipment or oil rigs, we aim to create compelling content that viewers will be able to learn from.

The Audience

One of the first things to keep in mind when setting out to create a video tutorial is your audience. Will this tutorial be for the masses or will it be used for internal training purposes? Does it serve to educate and inform or sell a product? You will need to decide this before stepping behind the camera.

The Essentials

The next question to ask yourself is what the essential parts of the tutorial are. By identifying these, you will be able to better navigate how to go about capturing footage/b-roll efficiently, instead of aimlessly shooting shots that may not be used in the tutorial itself. One good way to prepare for this is by having an outline or script that will determine what needs to be shot to complement any applicable voiceover/narration.

The Length

Another thing to consider is the overall length of the video tutorial as this will determine the amount of content you’ll need. For example, if your intentions are to shoot a tutorial on how to use a product, you’ll need to decide on how much is too much information. Can an extra minute be shaved off with onscreen titles? Do you require that additional animation set? Try your best to avoid any unnecessary repetition in order to better retain your audience’s attention and your corporate dollar.

The Aesthetic

One last thing to take note of is the aesthetic. It’s easy for viewers to lose interest when information is constantly being thrown at them. In fact, our attention spans are now shorter than ever. Animation, interesting imagery, and even an engaging voiceovers are all ways one can create engaging video tutorials and simplify complex information in ways audiences can easily digest.

Here at Key West Video, we provide a plethora of video services including video tutorials, infomercials and much, much more. For more info on the services we provide, check out our website today!

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