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Do You Need A Human Resources and Recruitment Corporate Video?

Ever seen a powerful recruitment video? HR representatives are now turning to corporate videos to attract more potential employees.

Contrary to popular belief, finding the right candidate is actually hard work. It takes a lot of time and effort to sift through all applications, resumes, and cover letters that come in once a job gets posted. And it can be especially tough for those who work in human resources and deal with recruitment on a regular basis.

Do You Need A Human Resources and Recruitment Corporate Video?
Photo credit: uniondocs via / CC BY-NC-SA

But what if the job isn’t exactly the most glamourous job in the world? Sure, there will always be those looking for work (no matter what it entails or what the pay is like), but sometimes this also attracts candidates who simply aren’t qualified or a good fit for the job.

With the help of corporate video, HR reps can help speed along the recruitment process.

Corporate videos for the purposes of hiring potential employees are tailored a lot differently than marketing videos. They not only show the glitz and glamour of the job – they show the job for what it actually is. Their aim is to display the corporate culture and climate in a positive light while giving the ideal candidate an accurate and insightful look in to what it’s like to work at this particular company.

It’s just as important for a potential candidate to feel like your company is a good fit for them as they are for you.

A strong, powerful corporate recruitment video should not only showcase the benefits of your corporate culture, but also highlight the realistic expectations of what it means to work there. What is the team dynamic like? What benefits are included in the job? What will an employee’s day-to-day look like? And how happy are the employees who currently work there?

Your job as an employer is to ensure that all informative bases are covered in the recruitment video. A corporate video production company’s job is to ensure that this is done in the most enticing, visually-appealing way.

Here at Key West Video, we have extensive experience in collaborating with our clients to create fun, exciting, and informative HR recruitment videos. For more information on the services we provide, visit our website today!

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