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Human Resource Professional Take Notice: Video is Your Friend!

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Corporate videos are an integral asset for #HumanResource professionals. Whether your department is looking to hire, inform, or train new and existing #talent, #videos can play a big role in the successful deployment of the initiative. Here are a few examples of videos Key West has produced for our clients in the human resources field.

Recruitment videos

Finding and retaining good #HumanCapital is a key aspect of any human resource professionals job. Having a video to promote your company’s best selling features can be a great way to attract high quality talent. As Danielle Setola Antes puts it in her post The 15 Best Recruitment Videos and Why We Love Them, it’s a way to ‘get applicants involved in your organization before they even apply’. Through the use of #testimonials you can share current #employees experiences, and the reasons behind their desire to #work within your #organization.

In the video we produced for Century 21, footage representing an average ‘day in the life’ of an Aberwin Realty agent was utilized along with voice-over expressing why representing their team is a great #career growth opportunity.

Century 21 Aberwin Realty: Why Become A Realty Professional?

Orientation videos

Videos used for #orientation can have a variety of purposes. The need to express information to internal #employees, #contractors, #vendors and #visitors is at the root of this type of video. Human resource professionals are the information hub when it comes to an organization. They not only supply individuals with information to understand and perform their #job properly, but most importantly, they inform about safe work practices within the #workplace. Chris Joseph, in his post Why is Orientation Important to the Employee, he says orientation videos are a way to “acclimate the employee and speed up the time it takes for her to become a productive member of the organization”.

In 2000, the small town of Walkerton had a health scare when their water supply became infected with E coli. In turn the Walkerton Clean Water Center was built in 2004. The video we produced for them was a ‘virtual tour’ of the facility, and now serves not only as an introduction to the facility on their website, but it is displayed on TV screens when you enter their location as well.

Walkerton Clean Water Center: Virtual Tour


#Training videos have been utilized by human resource departments since the inception of #CorporateVideo. This is because the need for affordable, straight to the point, and effective training is huge in any corporation. Instead of holding live, in-person events with #TrainingProfessionals, video can be a excellent resource. With video you can document various scenarios, showcase the right and wrong ways of performing a task, and highlight best practices.

The video Key West produced for Burlington Transportation to help educate crossing guards was a simple, quick, and effective solution to their human resource capital training need. Graphic text was used throughout the video to bring attention to the key aspects of the job. While voice-over along with visual reference got across the main content.

Burlington Transportation: Crossing Guard Training

Dramatic Training

There are many different styles of training videos, but one that deserves its own category is dramatic training videos. #DramaticTrainingVideos stand out from the pack, as they put the viewer in the position of observing real life scenarios that they could get themselves into. Instead of being told what may occur on the job through voice-over and visual cues, you are transported into that scenario and get to witness how such an event might play out.

In the video we produced for the Internally Trained Lawyers Program, we took a dramatic approach in order to get across the complicated and somewhat ambiguous social dynamic between international lawyers and the Canadian workplace. The video was a huge success in its ability to express situations which may arise, and in turn how to handle those events.

Internationally Trained Lawyers Program (ITLP): Dramatic Training

Contact Key West Video Inc. if you are interested in learning more about any style of video for your human resource needs!

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