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The Changing Landscape of Corporate Video in the Interactive Video Age

With every day that passes it seems like there is a new technological or social innovation coming out of the woodwork. Due to modern advancements in technology, the rapid growth of inventions is exponential. Therefore, the cool or exciting new ‘thing’ is in constant flux.

This current landscape has created a world where it seems as though there is no option to be stationary. As media, marketing, or advertising specialists, we must continually look for the next best way to get out our messages to the public.

Corporate Video’s Digital Consumer

In the corporate video sphere there has been a definite move over the last ten years to create videos that really target the digital consumer. Someone who has limited attention span, has video content at their constant disposal, and needs to be instantly and continually engaged. That is why videos in all forms have been structured in a way that makes them concise, to the point, and either visually stunning or provides content that viewers can’t turn away from.

Interactive Video

But where do we go from here? What is going to be the next big thing? There are a variety of answers to that questions depending on who you ask. One of the major trends that is becoming more popular is the idea of interactive video. Interactivity is something that broadcast programs such as American Idol have known is important for some time now. Which is why they try to get their audiences to stay engaged in their programming by allowing them to be a part of the shows development. Big Brother followed suit, and as well created a program where the viewer can manipulate certain elements of the show.

In terms of corporate video, how and why would this interactive element be useful? They why is simple. Because as a society our world has become a place where we can find the answer to any question we have with the click of a button. We have developed this idea that anything we want we should have access to. So the idea of being able to provide video audiences with the ability to interact with what they see in front of them is ideal.

As media producers we can actively presume what our audiences will want at the end or throughout each video they watch. If it is a company profile video they want a link to the company’s website. If it is a training video they want to go to the next module, or repeat the last video, or click for additional resources. For a product video viewers want to know where they can find that product at a store near them, or where to purchase it online, or find reviews from other consumers. You can even create videos with alternate endings depending on the path that viewers choose. The possibilities are endless.

Interactive video is being used more and more in the corporate side of video production. Although the cost to make a video interactive will raise the costs of  production, it is an investment that is aiding viewer engagement and thus increasing awareness and in turn sales. So the costs are worth the rewards.

Contact Keywest Video today if you are interested in learning more about interactive video for your corporate video project.

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