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Is Corporate Video Ever A Good Idea For Employee Lay-Offs?

You had a bad last quarter and your company is looking to downsize – are employee lay-offs the answer?

And if so, what’s the best way for mass lay-offs?

The answer might just be with corporate video.

Laying off employees is never an easy task. In fact, it’s probably one of the hardest things to do. Whether it’s just a single employee or a mass lay-off, it’s not an easy position to be in for both parties. Lay-offs need to reflect company values and mission statements. Despite it being a nasty process, they need to be done in such a manner that doesn’t ruin your reputation or taint your name.

So what do you do?

Is Corporate Video Ever A Good Idea For Employee Lay-Offs?
Photo credit: Halans via / CC BY-NC-SA

Well, if you’re the kind of company that’s large enough for departments, it might be good to send word through department heads to do the dirty work. For companies looking to speak directly with its employees, it can be nearly impossible to communicate to each and every employee. Sending a mass message from head office might be a possibility.

One efficient way to do that is by shooting a corporate video.

Yes, you read us correctly.

To assuage resentment and/or bad press, it might be worth investing time, energy, and resources into creating a video that addresses lay-offs. Employees might be wondering what the need for drastic changes were, how the company intends to move forward without them, and what their options are in terms of severance packages and/or benefits. A corporate video also is an opportunity to acknowledge and thank employees for their hard work personally, answer their questions, and help them move through a difficult time.

It’s also a great example of a company’s dedication to integrity. A corporate video from a corporate head speaks volumes and personalizes a message – no matter how difficult a pill it is to swallow.

Here at Key West Video, we work with clients to create corporate videos that suit their needs. For more information about our services, visit our website today.

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