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A simple #Google search will give you countless articles complaining about #Millennials. In fact, a quick Google search was the inspiration behind this article.

Corporate companies are swimming in a multitude of different ways they can find – and target – their audiences. We know – Millennials are a tough crowd to impress. We hate to break it to you, but once you have our attention, it gets even harder to keep us around.

According to Google, Millennials are like that stuck up popular kid from your math class whose skills include getting others to do his or her work for them.

Despite what people might think, many Millennials actually do have a strong work ethic, actually aren’t lazy, and can take direction. They also, apparently, aren’t as willing as they should be, are difficult to manage, and can be hard to retain.

So you can imagine a corporate company’s horror when they decide they’d like to launch a new product that caters to a younger audience.

In order to create a self-producing team of brand evangelists, companies must know what draws Millennials to different products or services in the first place.

One thing that companies conveniently forget is that the “Millennial” age group (roughly aged 18-34) is incredibly diverse. In fact, the term “Millennial” is a blanket term for a generic age range.

While our interests are strikingly different, there are some generational similarities that unite us.

1. Mobility

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The first thing companies should consider before making any #campaign arrangements is mobile accessibility. Is your product #mobile-friendly? Does it have a pleasing #design #aesthetic? Which downloadable apps are best to plug in your company’s ads? This will outline the potential success of your #market #outreach.

2. Community

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Remember we mentioned how diverse Millennials are? Well,  first you must know if there is an existing #community to market to (read: know your audience). What would benefit a lot of companies is attention to #social groups. Millennials are most easily identified by their interests; that can mean people who are dedicated to social justice issues to those who take interests in photography to those who watch sci-fi. Millennials tend to gravitate towards social communities both on and offline. Once a company is able to find out what that is, the possibilities are endless.

3. Engaging

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By now, it’s a no-brainer that companies should be aiming to create relevant and engaging #products in order to service a constantly evolving and demanding generation. If something is outdated it will undoubtedly go unnoticed. Remember: you’re reaching an audience who might have never known life without the internet. This doesn’t just mean their social presence is online; it means their entire way of communicating, solving problems, and connecting with others is there, too. If your product or service does not supplement this, reaching this demographic becomes that much more difficult.

By creating engaging content, you also create “brand evangelists”: self-perpetuating users who will market your brand by word of mouth and on your behalf . This always trumps traditional online marketing and has the potential to generate brand-loyalty.

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