What happens when the corporate video you’ve already made and shared it with the world doesn’t get you the results you want? Repurpose it!
Many think that when their videos don’t get the traffic or views that they want, that there’s something wrong with the content. In a panic, they immediately take it down. In some extreme cases, they act as if the video never existed and shelf it. What they don’t realize, however, is that a repurpose is all it takes to get their video to where it needs to be.
In the marketing world, copy is constantly written, edited, and rewritten. More often than not, it isn’t completely taken down. Copywriters understand the value of words and how necessary it is to have those digital crumbs seeded on the internet.
But for some reason, this same approach isn’t applied to corporate video.
Well, for one, many think it simply isn’t possible. They don’t even realize that videos can be repurposed to improve SEO, better reach their target audience, or refresh outdated information. Here we list some ways in which you can repurpose your corporate video for a better reception:
Transcribing your videos has its benefits for obvious reasons. Not only is it inclusive of those who suffer from hearing loss, but it’s also an added benefit to able-bodied persons as well. By transcribing your video, you’re making it easier to digest your content for your viewers and can serve as the source for potential blog content.
It also has the added benefit of becoming more search-friendly since it can be indexed on Google and YouTube.
Shorten Videos Into Clips
Millennials are known to have shorter attention spans than ever. In fact, it’s hard to engage us after 2 minutes. That means that in 120 seconds, you’ve got to capture and keep your audience’s attention long enough to make a call to action. This is a lot harder than it sounds.
When creating video content, map out where you’d like your video to go. YouTube virtually has no limit to the length of the video you can upload. Most users upload their content to social networks like Facebook to increase their view count. Companies can also look to Facebook as a direct uploading video source, as Facebook allows longer videos than those of its competitors (Twitter and Instagram). However, this doesn’t necessarily mean your audience will stick through your video to the end. Twitter and Instagram knew this and quickly took advantage of creating a short video sharing limit to their already popular platforms.
Some ways you can tighten up and repurpose already existing content is by:
- Stringing explainer or testimonial videos together
- Captioning video to provide additional onscreen information
- Using poignant interview clips and quotes in a series of FAQs about your company
At Key West Video, we work directly with our clients to ensure their content is quality. Visit our website for more today!
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