

Key West Video Announced as a 2022 National and Local Excellence Award Winner by UpCity!

one video multiple platforms

In our overcrowded, resource-hungry world, it’s essential to be respectful of the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. With that in mind, this blog will take a fictional business and show you how one video gets repurposed to create tailored content for four major social media platforms, by repurposing video. Maybe we won’t save the world, but we will save time and money.

The Business

Our fake business for this video marketing exercise will be Pressed & Steamed (P&S), a neighborhood dry-cleaning, and coffee hub. In this scenario, we’re going to make them a promotional video to introduce the new shop to potential patrons. Their target market is area residents who need dry-cleaning services or drink coffee; ideally, they do both.

The Video

one video multiple platforms
Animated videos are great for promotion

After meeting with the client and assessing their needs, we’ve decided a ninety-second animated video is the best approach. In this video, we’ll talk about the services offered, give details such as location and hours, and establish a personality for the business. After adding some happy music and a friendly voice-over, we have a finished product that’s ready to promote P&S. The full video will have a home on the shop’s website, while we have other plans for how to use the material on social media.

Repurpose Video for Facebook

Facebook users like videos! Videos are twice as popular as other post formats on average. The types of videos that do well on Facebook include live videos, how-tos, and blog posts. Hubspot research tells us one-minute videos get watched, liked, and shared. To reach P&S’s audience, we repurpose video cutting our ninety-second video down to sixty seconds. Then, we post the video directly to their Facebook page since users are more likely to watch a video than click on a link that takes them to a video.

Repurpose Video for Twitter

one video multiple platforms
GIFs work well on Twitter

Now it’s time to put some eye-catching content on Twitter to attract new business. People go to Twitter for news, GIFs, and blog posts. Visuals draw attention on Twitter so that we could post a video—the platform will run a piece that’s up to almost two-and-a-half minutes. Also, any video that’s 6.5 seconds or shorter will automatically loop. Since people and businesses often post to Twitter several times a day, we’re going to give P&S three options. First, we’ll create a GIF of coffee pouring from our full-length video. Then, we’ll provide a still image of clothes hanging on a rack. Finally, P&S will have a forty-five-second version of the final video to post since Twitter users like their info short and sweet. With each post, P&S can include a few words about their services, highlight specials, or announce their grand opening.

Repurpose Video for Instagram

We all love Instagram for the photos, right? So here’s a chance for P&S to show their followers what’s new. Since behind-the-scenes videos are viral online, we’re going to satisfy curiosity AND post a great pic. For their account, P&S can use a shot of our animator working on their video. Now they have an insider’s perspective on a project that they can promote while also promoting their business—so many levels! They can tease the video with this shot and include a link to the full piece.

Repurpose Video for LinkedIn

one video multiple platforms
Use LinkedIn to connect with like businesses

LinkedIn is the business end of social media. LinkedIn is the place to talk about job openings and also an opportunity to concentrate on company culture. It’s a good idea to speak to the professionals in your target audience on this platform and build some credibility in your field. We’re going to go ahead and post a link to the full video on P&S’s website with a tease that introduces a new business in the area that sells high-end coffee and offers environmentally-friendly dry-cleaning.

One Video, Many Uses

So there you have it. That’s how a single repurposed video applies to specific social media platforms. At Key West Video, we work with clients to create whatever they need to reach their audience. We also keep all our materials archived in case a client wants to rework footage or animation in the future. Call us today for a free quote.

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