

A Story That Will Inspire

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A Great Story MAKES A Great Video

storytelling-18642We try to provide content on this blog that will inform, educate and inspire our readers. We often format this in a way to help people understand; top 5 reasons to do this, do’s and don’ts of that, or why should you care about this? Other times though, it is not as important to list out the what, the how, or the why. Sometimes we simply want to show you an amazing piece of work with a great #story and gravel at it’s greatness.

The United Nations World Food Program produced a video to help bring awareness to the millions of individuals around the world who go to bed hungry each night. They enlisted a famous soccer player who had a unique way of showing he cared. Listed under this week’s top 5 videos in Viral Friday, here is what Viral Blog had to say to set the stage.

On 14 February 2015, Paris Saint-German played against Caen at Parc des Princes. For most players this game was just another day on the job. For Zlatan Ibrahimović this was his most important game to date. Underneath his sweater he had 50 new names tattooed. Names of people he’d never met, but still wanted to keep close. Names of some of the 805 million people suffering from hunger today. The impressive video to raise awareness of world hunger has been viewed 11 million times on YouTube and Facebook. Total social shares: 250,000.

– See more at Viral Blog

What is the root of this video? What makes it so special? What makes it stand out? I believe the reason it made me emotional when I watched it was a combination of factors, with the most important one being it’s story.

Great stories are the root of all great videos. Which is why finding that amazing story and cultivating it into something bigger is so special and the outcome so spectacular. Did this video use other techniques to aid their message? Yes, of course yes. The dramatic music, the harsh lighting, the mix of staged shots with more authentic footage, all did their part to give the video an intimate and dramatic tone. But if it were not for the great story line, the video would not have been as impactful as it was.

Take home message: Figure out what your story is and make it great. We can all get wrapped up in the fluff sometimes, but what really matters is the message. So make yours a powerful one.

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