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Email Video Signatures Leave an Impression

Email signatures run the gamut from the standard name and contact info to promotional banners and disclaimers. Using an email signature has advantages and disadvantages. In the avalanche of email signatures seen daily, a video signature can make you stand out.

Video Signatures for Everyone?

Email Video Signatures Leave an Impression
Customer-facing employees are ideal candidates.

First of all, what is a video signature? It’s a video thumbnail that appears in your email signature. This video links to a landing page that will play your message.

Using a video signature is especially valuable for customer-facing people. They make email more personal and facilitate a connection with the customer. Names are easy to forget. But once you put a face with a name, it becomes more connected and comfortable to remember.

Video Signature Format

Stick to a short signature that’s ideally thirty to ninety seconds. Include who you are, what you do, and a personal fact or two. Let your personality shine! After all, you’re trying to make an impression and stand out from the crowd. Treat this video as another opportunity to connect with the customer.

Some offices have made a video signature standard for their customer-facing employees. If you decided to go this route, you could create a template. This standardization makes creating signatures easier, while still allowing for a personal touch.

Referral Madness

Email Video Signatures Leave an Impression
Put a face on your sales persona.

A video signature is not only useful when it comes to direct sales, but it can also get you referrals. It’s a digital business card that’s easy to share. If your customer is happy with your service and wants to pass along your info, a new potential client gets more than just your name. Now they feel like they’ve met you and made a personal connection.


Make sure you include a CTA with your video signature. It can be as simple as providing your email address or phone number for contact purposes. Make your end message accessible, visible, and actionable. Whatever the CTA, make it generic since this is part of your signature. If you’re actively updating your video, you could talk about the special sale in June or have a Halloween-themed signature.

Digital Calling Card

If you’re ready to make sales personal, call Key West Video today. We can work with you to use video as part of your approach, connecting on a whole different level with your customers.

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